Crown Royal XO Whiskey

750ml Bottle

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    40% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Unwind in luxury with a glass of Crown Royal XO Blended Canadian Whiskey. Made with the signature smoothness of traditional Crown Royal, this whiskey is matured to perfection and will enhance any cocktail party or celebration. Crafted by the Crown Royal Master Blender, this XO Whiskey furthers the signature blend from 50 of their finest whiskeys and then finishes them in cognac casks.

    The nose is muted and mild, with notes of vanilla, caramel, and light oak. The palate has balanced with hints of vanilla, spice, and rich dried fruit. It has a medium length with light vanilla, subtle spice, and smooth finish. Resulting in both an extraordinarily complex and smooth expression, Crown Royal XO is an elegant whiskey that has deliciously balanced with hints of vanilla, spice, and rich dry fruit. Please drink responsibly. Enjoy!